About Need it Find it


Need it Find it aims to support and promote all businesses in North Devon – irrespective of size, sector or age – to increase prosperity for everyone in the community.

We work together with businesses, support agencies, councils, colleges and schools, charities and other organisations to support business and skills development.

Started by Robert Zarywacz and Alan Williams in 2017, our first service was a monthly advertising leaflet distributed to some 10,000 homes and businesses around Bideford. The Need it Find it North Devon Business Directory grew out of this.

south molton

We ceased publishing the Bideford leaflet after other activities developed from it and overtook it.

The first is our BBxpo North Devon business exhibition in Bideford, launched in 2018 and developed into an annual event.

The second is our independent North Devon-based business magazine – Business Action.

The Need it Find it North Devon Business Directory now operates in conjunction with Business Action. Our advertising plans offer combined promotion in our online directory here and in the magazine.


Inclusivity is a primary objective to ensure that anyone running or wanting to start a business in North Devon is able to access news media through:

  • free editorial in Business Action magazine in print and online
  • free entry to our annual North Devon Business Awards
  • free entry to and affordable exhibitor fees for our local business exhibitions

Please do contact us to discuss how we can support your business.

Atlantic court, braunton

Robert Zarywacz

Robert was technology writer for The Business Magazine in the Thames Valley in the 1990s and business editor of the North Devon Journal from 2009 to 2017. He has interviewed dozens of chief executives and managing directors of businesses large and small, and takes a keen interest in technology, manufacturing and infrastructure. He is also interested in promoting skills and small businesses. Robert has also organised many North Devon business events.

Robert’s communications experience includes corporate roles with British Airways and global law firm Baker & McKenzie, as well as running his own communications partnership, providing copywriting, journalism, PR, publishing and events, at z2z.com.

Call Robert on 07971 176044 or email robertz@business-action.co.uk.